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Feminine Persuasion™


A hoodoo intention oil for covert, subtle power moves, powerful “soft sells”, prowess, and attaining elevated positioning in a feminine, tactful way.

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Title - Feminine Persuasion

Purpose - Get them to see things your way. Capture and utilize the tact, power, beauty, and elegance as displayed by that of Asia’s most long-lasting and prominent establishments. Persuading others in a non-violent, feminine manner.

There are few tales and traditions as revered and deeply studied as that of the elite lineages of Asia’s past. From the ways of the Japanese Geisha to that of Chinese Empresses, there are numerous elements of Asian history that exist as proof of the power of delicate but confident feminine persuasion tactics. This oil harnesses various herbal and floral essences that evoke and embody such prowess.

If you want to pull strings from behind the scenes or demonstrate your prowess, position, and power in a matter of fact way without making others uncomfortable with you, this oil - whose herbs and essences originate predominantly from territories stretching from the Bay of Bengal to the East China Sea - is designed for luck, sweetness, confidence, calmness, beauty, and allure can help you make that happen in a matter of hours. This blend also helps to diffuse and prevent legal trouble.

Apply this oil to the appropriate meridians as instructed in the accompanying pamphlet.

This oil smells like walking into a refreshing garden on a bright and sunny morning right after a light rain.

Great For:
Wives/Trophy Wives, Mistresses, Sex Workers, Sugar Babies, Sales Positions, Getting a Raise, Making Allies, Convincing Others of Innocence, Negotiations, Popularity, and any other situation where you want to be visually, situationally, mentally, and emotionally appealing to those observing and interacting with you.

Batch Reference: 62619



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Additional information

Dimensions 6 × 4 × 1 cm


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